Monday, August 31, 2009

Sometimes I feel Like a Motherless Child

Sometimes I feel like a Motherless Child is an old song my mother and father used to sing. That's how I am feeling today. I feel like for the past year and a half I have been fighting the left and the right not only on behalf of HRC but also on behalf of myself.

First of all we had to fight the Obots both during the Primary and the General Election where we were called names and mistreated.

The PUMA movement started and the Right Wing of the party started agreeing with Republicans and some on the left think we sold out. I did not sell out. I disagree with the Republicans when I think they are wrong and I disagree with the Democrats when I think they are wrong that is what most people are supposed to do.

Then Hillary was confirmed as SOS and here comes the attacks from the Republicans some of which were sexist or just old information that was gone through with a fine tooth comb years ago about the Clinton's but to these folks the 50 million dollars spent in the 90s on the Whitewater case that yeilded no wrong doing is not enough for these folks. Disagree with Hillary but do so on recent events not the same old unproven mess of Whitewater.

Now its the health care reform and Kennedy's death that I am fighting over. I am sorry but I am not broken up over the fact that some old letch died while in life he got away with murder and covered up a rape.
I am a PUMA who supported Democrats for most of my life not because I believed in what they said but because my family always voted Democrat. The only Democrats who ever really excited me were the Clintons.

I was angry at the Clinton people who decided to vote for Obama but that was months ago. Now I am just wondering why we are having a hard time with plan C. We were supposed to get back together after the general election but it hasn't happened yet but it will happen.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Photo Bomb

Here are more of my favorite Pictures of Hillary Rodham Clinton

Friday, August 28, 2009

Can Dems Rescue ObamaCare?

Can Dems Rescue ObamaCare?

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I agree the Dems might pass a health care bill that looks like it pleases everyone and end up pleasing no one.
This issue is to important to take on in such a bad economy and Health Care Reform will not help the economy.
People are hurting and hungry and I can assure you they ain't upset about no universal health care. They want jobs and their lives back.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Obama Proving Incapable of Terror Fight

Obama Proving Incapable of Terror Fight

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This is an outrage. I am not sure what Obama and his DOJ is doing but this is just plain wrong. Obama is just a chicken punk and this proves it. I hope he likes being a Jimmy Carter.

White House power grabs - Washington Times

White House power grabs - Washington Times

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I am so ticked off by this. Why is the White House doing such a foolish thing. I think that if this happens and we are attacked the Obama administration especially the Justice Department and the President and VP should be arrested and put in jail for being tratitors.
Obama is acting like real damage was done to these people. These People who killed damn near 3,000 people. I say if this method gets results and keeps us safe then why not?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Teddy Kennedy Passed Away at 77. RIP LIberal Lion

Today the United States lost one of its most liberal and long serving Senators. Senator Edward Kennedy passed away today at the age of 77.
I didn't always agree with Ted Kennedy and I am not very happy that he called Hillary Clinton a racist on the Senate floor but I do offer my condolences to his family and to the people of Massachusetts. He was the brother of President John F. Kennedy and Senator Bobby Kennedy. Teddy Kennedy lost a bitter Primary battle against Jimmy Carter in 1980.
He was the third longest Senator in history.
I didn't always agree with Kennedy but he was most definitely a force to be reckoned with.

Woman's Equality Day and the Passage of the 19TH Amendment

Today is the anniversary of the passage of the Right to Vote for women. Woman's Equality day is set aside each year to pay homage to all the great women who fought for Suffrage for women. We have come a long way but there is still more road to travel. We have yet to get a woman to the White House. We still have a sexist media out there that vilify strong women like Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin. We still have to worry about earning the same pay for the same work as men. Women are still underrepresented in congress and on the Supreme Court.
Despite the Chris Brown verdict men who assault their wives or girlfriends are given slaps on the wrist. The Secretary of State Hillary Clinton traveled to the Congo to speak out against sexual violence and what happened the media was to concerned with Hillary's exchange with the Congo Student who asked a sexist question or the interpreter did. I guess the media prefers idle gossip to issues of importance to 51% of the population.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The President Seems Lost

The President Seems Lost

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Obama had a lot of teachable moments but he chose not to teach.
Obama couldn't share with America about his own past because the truth is he is not sure who in the world he is.
He is afraid to take political chances and ends up pleasing no one.
He is starting to look like Jimmy Carter.

Forum and Blog Wars Why this is Counter Productive.

There are people on the internet, that for whatever reason like drama. They want to destroy people and forums for no other reason then they have no lives. Perhaps they insult people to make themselves feel more important.
These people are best ignored but sometimes we have to speak up against these cyber bullies. There is a forum out there who wants to take down my forum and they are insulting not only myself but the members of our forum. They are now calling us "bots" and you know what that's ok I have been called a "bot" before and frankly it doesn't bother me at all. I know I am not an Obnoxious Obama supporter I am not even an Obama supporter. They call me this because I am black and proud or they call me this because they are just mean, vicious people. Call me what you want I know who and what I am so insult me whenever you please I just don't care. I draw the line when you stoop to blackmail and insults to the other people who are on my board. I draw the line when you steal other people's screen names and pass yourself off as that person. You didn't know the real person was going to find the board. I draw the line when forums post private messages for everyone to read in a public forum insulting two women who didn't deserve this. I draw the line at people threatening to take down my forum when in fact there is plenty of room for two.
There is a member of my forum who runs she is a good member and I am a member of hers. I prefer to build up her site rather then tear her site down. Our forums have the same goals which is far more important then the fact that we are two different forums. I am actually glad to have gotten to know the owner of this forum and the only war I am interested in is boosting memberships of both forums.
I frankly have decided that I don't care what other forums are doing or why a bunch of people are so mean and negative that they want to destroy people and their work but please know this you take down one of my forums then I will create five more to replace it. You cross the line with me or hack into my website I will have the FBI on your butts so fast your heads spin. Oh and never underestimate the power of the hood because we have a way of finding anyone that rivals the FBI without the legal restraints the FBI have so you want to mess with me your rot in federal Prison. One more thing get out of your mama's basement and start living a life you would be surprised how much better it is then to hide behind a computer keyboard and ruin people's lives. Oh and by the way people are starting to face charges for this kind of behavior.
There is enough room on the internet for all of us.
Notice I posted the link to the positive forum and ignored the other forum. The other forum isn't worth putting the link to.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Hillary Supporters Can We All Just Get Along?

I know I know I feel like Rodney King here but this is how I feel?
Hillary Supporters seem like they are dividing into two different camps and this is breaking my heart. I have come to know and love so many women since Hillary started her campaign. We saw each other through good times and bad times. We laughed together and we cried together. We didn't care that some of us were Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. We came together despite the fact that we were right wing as well as left wing.
I am very right wing and I am a die hard Hillary supporter yet recently I was attacked on facebook because I disagreed with the left I was told that I must support Hillary because she is a girl and all types of things. First of all they need to brush up on their Hillary information because their agruments were incorrect and second of all Hillary's foriegn Policy, hers, not Obama's is very conservative so there are lots of reasons for a right wing chick to like Hillary.
I am sick of being called a Republican I am as offended by that as I am when people call me a Democrat. I am an Independent.
There is also a rumor that HV was started by Republicans when that is not true. HV was started by a left wing Liberal and a moderate Democrat. Yes there was one Republican administrator but she is as loyal to Hillary Clinton as anyone else is and as for the other Admin she is an Independent. She is a right wing independent like I am.
I was never forced to support Gov. Palin and although I like the Governor a lot I am not sold on voting for her yet. Gov. Palin unlike Hillary Clinton has to show me what she has. Hillary did that a long time ago.
Obots are offensive creatures and yes people who voted for Obama were kept off that board because frankly they have more places online then people who oppose him do.
So do the Liberals want us to go away then want us to come back to Hillary it doesn't work that way. We are going to have to find a way to get along.
I don't think Hillary would want us to break up in fact you all know she wants us to stay together. Its OK to disagree but the name calling on both sides must stop.
I wonder if the Left wing doesn't want anyone right wing to vote for Hillary I wonder if they know they are hurting her. She wouldn't like that.
We can always debate without insulting people. That's a good way to heal the bridges that are cracking under the pressure.
I do not want Obama in my face 24-7 and I certainly am not going to support this administration except for Hillary.
Obama is where the first split happened. Some of us voted for him and some of us didn't. We seperated then because we had to but after the election people who supported Obama during the General were called Obots and sent away. That began to change for some of us because for me in order to get our girl elected then we are going to have to depend on each other.
It is time for both the Right and the Left to get it together and start working out our problems.
Do we want Hillary in the White House if we don't we will continue to blame the Republicans when funny thing is it was the Democrats who stole this election.
I am also tired of sticking up for my friend who is a Republican. I m tired of this because she doesn't deserve the insults she has had to endure. She is a die hard Hillary supporter and she was insulted on another friend's blog. I wonder if the person who insulted her bothered to find out how much time, effort, and work this person put in for our girl. What would happen if she decided to leave Hillary and go to Sarah since after all she would still be voting her party. Her one vote could decide that Hillary becomes President or not. Remember that in our goal to get Hillary elected there are other people besides Democrats that Hillary needs to win any election.
We may find a common ground if we meet in a place that is Hillary's only. No Barack and No Sarah. I created one I wonder if the Lefties will join or will I just be called another Republican.
PUMAs must start accepting Hillary supporters who voted party and the Left wing of the party must start accepting the right wing supporters and stop insulting them.
I love all you guys but I must stand up and say enough is enough. We have to get along because it is Hillary who will suffer.
HV wasn't brought down by the Republicans either it was brought down by the Obama administration or his supporters. We were infilitrated during the Primary. Its not the Right wing who did this but Obama loving, women hating Ultra Left Liberals.
The Republicans had no interest in taking us down they had more interest keeping us up. the Obama administration is the one who wants to get rid of Hillary.
Anyone interested in joining my Hillary only forum its located at

A Blue Dog's lament: 'People are scared' - Jonathan Martin -

A Blue Dog's lament: 'People are scared' - Jonathan Martin -

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The Blue Dogs are catching hell and I bet most of them drop any plans they have of voting for Health care.
Howard Dean being the big dummy that he is threatens to primary these people and of course he is to stupid to realise that to primary these people you need another blue dog. They are going to end up not passing anything.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Some of my Favorite Pics of Hillary

Hillary is on vacation now at some undisclosed location thanks to Hurricane Bill.

I decided to post some of my favorite Hillary Pictures. Enjoy some of my pics.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Hillary Clinton Pledges to Banish Sexual Violence to the Past Where It Belongs.

This article contains Hillary's very strong statement speaking out against sexual violence in Congo and actually that statement should actually cover sexual violence period. Rape doesn't just happen in Africa it happens everywhere.
Sometimes the man knows the woman and sometimes the man is even married to the woman. Rape is always a violent crime rather the woman knows the man or not.
I am very proud that Hillary is taking the lead and speaking out against sexual violence.
Hillary has always advocated for women and children.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Deception is at the Heart of Dems' Plans

Deception is at the Heart of Dems' Plans

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Obama says now he is not for single payer but a few years ago he did. He and the other democrats are lying.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Happy Birthday President William Jefferson Clinton

Happy Birthday wishes goes out to our 42nd President William Jefferson Clinton on his 63rd birthday today.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Homeboy Industries facing Fiancial Problems This Upsets Me.

Homeboy Industries a job training program that works with gang members who want to go straight is facing fiancial difficulties due to the economy.
This saddens me because they are a fantastic program that saved the lives of thousands of young people in LA. They give the former gang bangers jobs, training , and college as well as removing gang tattoos.
Rev. Greg Boyle the priest who runs this program has walked through gun fire to quell gang violence and who has gotten rival gang members to sit down and talk. He is now facing fiancial loss and is trying to prevent his doors from closing. He is also suffering from cancer but he seems more concerned about Homeboy Industries then he does about whatever pain the cancer is causing him. He is such a good man and Homeboy Industries is a wonderful place. I hope that perhaps President Bill Clinton and the Clinton foundation will get involved and step in and save this good organization.
It is difficult enough trying to get out of a gang and now there may be one less program to make that transition a lot smoother. A former gang member undergoes a lot of pressure to sell drugs and make big money as well as being with what may be their only family. What is going to happen to them? Without jobs and training I fear a lot of the homies will just go back to banging.
What about the young man who is looking for jobs and has gang tatoos. One of the most valuable services this organization offers is the removal of tatoos. Without that program so many young people will not be hired who is going to hire someone who has gang tatoos.
Here is the link to their organization
I hope someone will help keep these very important doors open.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Hillary's Trip to Africa (PHOTOS)

This is just a few of the pics of Hillary on her trip to Africa where she hung out with Nelson Mendela. Supporting women by shopping at their market and visiting her housing projects where Hillary dug in and started working.

Rude protests are American tradition | | The Detroit News

Rude protests are American tradition | | The Detroit News

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Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are upset because people are protesting loudly the Democrats plans for Health Care reform at Town Halls all across America.
These two idiots need to read the document that they are sworn to protect and defend I guess that is above their pay grade.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

When Liberal Leaders Confront a Centrist Nation

When Liberal Leaders Confront a Centrist Nation

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This is a great article that explains how the majority of people in this Country vote. Nancy "Botox" Pelosi and Barack "the fraud" Obama think they got a mandate but next November when they suffer the loss of the house and the Senate perhaps then they will get a clue. The Democrats lost power in 1994 until 2006 when they regained control of the Congress perhaps they would have kept their majority longer had they remembered that spending to much money is NOT what the American people want.

Clinton Heads to Liberia to Show Women Power

Hillary heads to Liberia today to show support for Africa's only female leader. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf who faces calls to step down.
Africa's first female head of state has strong support overseas but Liberia's Truth and Reconciliation Commission recently recommended that she be barred from Politics for 30 years and since she is 70 that basicially means forever. They want her banned for alleged involvement in the Country's civil wars between 1989 and 2003.
Clinton made women's rights a large part of her visit to Africa speaking out against rape and women being used as weapons of war in the Congo. She also comforted victims of rape.
In an interview in Nigeria Hillary said "No Country could reach a full stage of development without full participation of women.
If African Women decided to stop working tommorrow, the whole continent would shut down. People would not eat. Crops wouldn't get planted and harvested from a moral perspective we're in the 21st Century all human beings no matter what religion or ideology you reference have the right to reach their God given potiential and to many women in too many parts of Africa are not being fully developed." Clinton told Nigeria's popular talk show host Mo Abudu.
Hillary is still standing up for women and girls all over the world.
She's right America can't reach its full potential UNTIL we elect a woman as President.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Rubes of Engagement

The Rubes of Engagement

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The Dems are in control of both houses of congress and can pass health care without any Republican support yet they spend everyday insulting the American people because people do not want this health care pushed down their throats.
The Dems also plan on adding abortion. I am pro choice but there is no way this should be covered. Why should people have to pay for something they don't believe in.

Federal courthouse to close for G-20 meetings - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Federal courthouse to close for G-20 meetings - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

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This is a local story because the G-20 meetings are going to be here in Pittsburgh. I plan on covering as much as I can for the blog and for the forum.
Hillary should be there and I will be covering her arrival.

Anatomy of an Outburst: Why Did Hillary Clinton Get Angry in Africa? - ABC News

Anatomy of an Outburst: Why Did Hillary Clinton Get Angry in Africa? - ABC News

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Excellent article and very fair. Hillary reacted so strongly because it was a sexist question and perhaps she is tired of sexism. She was a victim of one of the worst sexist attacks I have ever seen and perhaps she has had enough.
Regardless the media ignores the real reason why Hillary was there and that is to call attention to the fact that women are being used as weapons of war and being raped. That is a more important story but its not glamourous enough for the Main Stram Media and it lacks scandal.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Support For Congressional Health Reform Continues To Drop - Real Clear Politics â€Â“

Support For Congressional Health Reform Continues To Drop - Real Clear Politics â€Â“

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People are getting tired of the in your face behavior of the Democrats. This is going to hurt them in 2010.

Falling Out of Love with Barack Obama

Falling Out of Love with Barack Obama

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Excellent peice on why America is falling out of love with Obama. He states that he is a supporter of BO but he doesn't necessary agree with him

Monday, August 10, 2009

Hugh Hewitt: Desperate Democrats need new game plan | Hugh Hewitt | Washington Examiner

Hugh Hewitt: Desperate Democrats need new game plan | Hugh Hewitt | Washington Examiner

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This plan of trying to prevent Americans from protesting their government. It's not only patrotic its also our civil duty

Videos from African Trip

Hillary Clinton speaking in South Africa

Clinton Assails Sexual Violence and Rape in Congo;_ylt=AnEKyDnkvVQZpZ0yzSQR4Ex0fNdF

Hillary went to Congo today and spoke out against the attrocrities committed against women in that Country. She addressed Rape being used as a weapon of war. She called on the DRC and the UN to stop using women as weapons of war.
I am glad to see finally someone addressing this issue. She has always stood up for Women and children. She showed today that she is a real leader.
Rape is a terrible crime and one of the most violent crimes it is yet sentences for this crime or way to short and in some Countries around the world Sentences are not given.
I am proud of the way Hillary Clinton stood up for women.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Gang Violence Linked To Social Roots (The Republican 08.09.09)

This is one of the best articles on gang violence that I have read in a long time. It was refreshing to read the truth because most of the stuff you read about Street Gangs are made up.
I joined a gang at the age of 11 because I wanted to make sure that no one would ever hurt me again. I remained a gangbanger because I loved the lifestyle. I "aged" out of the criminal activities choosing instead to get a "legitimate" job and raising a family. I became what is known in the hood as an OG or (Original Gangsta). I left that lifestyle because it is very hard to continue to sell crack cocaine on the streets not because of law enforcement but that is always an issue but because when you stand on that corner selling crack a little piece of your soul dies.
We do not need to lock everyone up but there are things that we can do. We can first of all join together and OVERTURN THE ROCKERFELLER LAW This law puts young men in prison sometimes for life just for selling crack on the streets.
This law is the reason this girl from the hood rarely votes for a Party. The Democrats are the party responsible for millions of poor men going to prison everyday. Putting a fraud in the White House will never make up for the Rockerfeller especially for me.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

New Rules for Radicals

New Rules for Radicals

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The White House Now wants you to report your neighbors for disagreeing with that disaster of a Health Care Plan.
I guess we should all just turn ourselves into the White House now.
Will someone tell this foolish man and the foolish men/women following them to their political deats that it is our constitutional right to disagree with the people we elect. I am not a sheep and I do not like this Health Care Plan.

Obama and Members of Congress Use Thugery and Lies To Silence the American People.
The White House wants you to now spy on your neighbors and report people who do not want Universal Health Care. They want Americans to report blogs and forums simply for disagreeing with them. We are a Democracy and really we have the right to oppose any politican or policy we do not like. Having the right to disagree with our President and members of Congress is one of the things that make this Country the best Country in the entire world.
In this article the White House tells Democrats how to avoid questions that concerned Americans may have with the current Health Care Plan that is being discussed by saying " If they hit us we will punch back even harder." This from a man who had his black panther friends intimidate people on election day then of course let them get away with this. This is also the man who bussed busloads of young thugs into the Caucus states to intimidate older women from voting for Hillary. Obama thinks he is a G when in fact he is just a skinny little crybaby punk.

There are more and more of these stories in the press everyday. When is America going to wake up and hold Barack Obama accountable. They are going to wake up and when they do the Democratic Members of Congress who vote for this disaster will end up out of a job. Health care may end up being what sends Obama back to IL.

White House to Democrats: 'Punch back twice as hard' - Carrie Budoff Brown -

White House to Democrats: 'Punch back twice as hard' - Carrie Budoff Brown -

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This is getting ugly folks. The Politicans are trying to take away all of our rights. Its time to take our Country back. Tell the Democrats and Obama that we have the right to protest and we have the freedom to do it without this sort of behavior from the people we hire to serve us.
I don't like this Health Care Plan and I have the right to tell my congressman and Senators this information.

This is Why I love and Admire Hillary Rodham Clinton

Hillary Clinton visited this housing projects in South Africa 12 years ago then visited the Projects a year later with her husband. Hillary arrived there yesterday and met with the women. She remembered this projects all these years. She has real compassion. I do not know why the media always say she is divisive she is very compassionate and she listens to what people have to say. She didn't just take a few pictures and leave she rolled up her sleeves and planted marigolds.
I lived in Public Housing twice in my life and life there isn't always easy. Those flowers more then likely meant a lot to the people who live there.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Is Obama Really Like the Joker?

Is Obama Really Like the Joker?

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This is one of the silliest things I have ever read. The Joker has nothing to do with negative African American Stereotypes and not racist.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

BIll Clinton and Delagation Coming Home. Euna Lee and Lisa Ling are Free.


President Clinton Goes to Korea to Negotate for Release of American Journalists.

Bill Clinton is called into duty again by the man who basically said that the Popular two term President was irreverent. So he is irreverent is he? Funny how the Obama administration now thinks President Clinton is very relevant.

Did Hillary ask the former President to do this? More then likely she did as SOS and not as a wife. Knowing President Clinton's respect for the White House he more then likely also talked to the current President because Bill Clinton is not the type to interfere with the sitting President but he will assist the President when asked like he did for GWB.

Bill Clinton cares about this Country and its damn sure time everyone know that. The media treated him so bad for years. Bill just does what he has to and that has to just kill the media. People like myself still love Bill Clinton and always will. Sure I disagreed with a lot of things he did. I hate Don't Ask Don't Tell but I understand that happens. What I like is that he did what he was elected to do. We were safe and happy. He was a good President and he is a wonderful former President. His foundation helps billions of people all over the world.

Why Bill Clinton? Because he can get those women home. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't escort them home himself. He has built up decades of credibility all over the world. He is loved all over the world. That's why Bill Clinton because Bill Clinton can get the job done.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The N Word and The B Word.

Washington Post recently wrote a peice telling Hillary Clinton she needs a b**ch beer. First of all I have had the pleasure of meeting Secretary Clinton several times during her Presidential campaign. She is a lot of things she is warm, funny, and engaging. She has a way of making you feel like you are the most important person in the world even if you are just a girl from the hood like I am. She is a lot of things but b**ch isn't one of them.

Two words in American English that are extemely vile and should never be mentioned by the media is N***er and the other one is b**ch both are equally vile and mean. We have come a long way in regards to the N-word it is no longer acceptable to say that word without causing the person who uttered that word many problems and that is how it should be.

Sadly it is not the same way with the B-Word. African American women as well as other minorities have some sort of protection but for white women it is perfectally acceptable to refer to white women as white b**ches. I am saying this as an African American woman I find that to be both racist and sexist. It is not ok to say that white women are b**ches. Its not acceptable to call any woman these names and it certainly isn't OK to add a race and say its OK.

I am not accepting this sort of behavior anymore. Stop referring to all women as the Bword.
Look at the above pics does that look like a bitch to you.

Hillary Mourns Corazine Aquino

Hillary Clinton extended her colondences to the family of Corazine Aquino's family who died Saturday Morning of Colon Cancer.
Hillary said in an interview that she wrote Carazine a few weeks ago when she heard she was so sick. She also said she admired President Aquino a lot.
Hillary knew her personally as both a President and as a former President. President Aquino loved her country deeply.