Sunday, February 21, 2010

Black History Month Part II Reconstruction, Jim Crow, and The Great Migration. Moving from Slavery to the Ghettos

The civil war ended slavery Andrew Johnson was lenient on the Confederate States which made the Radical Republicans angry. They passed the 14TH admendment giving African Americans American Citizenship and forced the Confederate South to ratify these laws or be refused back into the Union. The 15TH admendment gave Universal male sufferage and black men could now vote in the South. There were a lot of black men elected to office during this time there were blacks in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

The Southern Whites were losing control and used terriorism against African Americans. Once Restoration ended and the Federal Government left the south several states enacted "black codes" which kept black people from enjoying their new found freedom and keeping them as a source of labor. It is during this period of time that lynching of black people was on the rise. Black men had the right to vote but if they did they took the chance of being lynched.

Jim Crow was born out of the black code laws and everything in public was segregrated based on race. Public fountains and rest rooms had two seperate signs one saying "Whites only" and "Colored only" African American men were lynched for any number of reasons. They were also beaten and castrated. "Reckless eyeballing" or looking at a white woman could get you killed in the South.

The North also had Jim Crow but it wasn't legal but it still existed. Lynchings also happened in the North although not as much and states like PA close to the Mason/Dixon line had the majority of lynchings in the North.

Slaves became share croppers who were often cheated.

African Americans began to leave the South often in the middle of the night and began moving to the North. This began the move from Southern Plantations to Northern Ghettos.

A family would move North and establish a life then go back home and bring more people out of the south into the ghetto.

This frightened the Southern Whites who saw their source of cheap labor disappering to the North The KKK would often try to frighten people into remaining by whipping people or lynching a couple of people who tried to escape. This lead to the middle of the night migration.

This 100 year period was one of the darkest periods of African American history. There were more black men, women, and children killed during this period then during slavery. During slavery black people were valuable property the Masters would have killed a poor white person for killing a slave and get away with it.

Once slaves were free and no longer valuable their lives became less important and the result was wide spread lynchings and abuse.

During this period of time the Harlem Renisence took place African American art like books, music, and poetry were all the rage. Whites wanted to read books written by African Americans. They wanted to sit in places like the Cotton club and listen to black music.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Why I Love Hillary Clinton How Hillarys Inspiration Saved My Life

I made a lot of wrong turns in my life I took the wrong path when I was young. When you are young and in the ghetto selling drugs/gang banging/ and life on the streets is an attractive alternative. Most of us saw selling crack as a way to break out of the poverty we all lived in.

I joined a gang at the age of 11 although we didn't have any "official street gangs" thats what we were. I sold drugs and faught. I have been shot and stabbed. I bare the scars of life on the street.

I remained in the game until I was 27 years old. I wanted to leave the game but was trapped.

Then came January 26,1992 This year the Superbowl fell on that day and 60 minutes was interviewing a Democrat trying to win his Primary. I never heard of them and frankly the Democrats ticked me off when they passed the Rockerfeller. I thought to myself he was just another phoney azz Liberal with a weak wife. I watched anyway. I was amazed and blown away by Hillary and I knew like I knew my name that she would be President.

I started following her and the press and Ken Starr was so mean to her that it would make me angry. I started thinking that if Hillary could go through all that abuse and remain strong I could quit selling drugs and work full time. I did just that. I went straight. I remember the days when I thought I wouldn't live to see 21 then 25 and now I am turning 46 years old. I never expected to see my six children grow to adulthood and here I am watching them become parents.
I, often, wonder what would have happened to me if I had not watched 60 minutes that superbowl Sunday. I wonder if I would be writting this right now.
For all the talk in 2008 I never heard the truth out of the media. I knew I wasn't the only one that she inspired more people then just myself.
I have one message for Secretary Clinton I am so thankful for all you have done and how much you have inspired me. I hope I can inspire you to run for President again. I am willing to help you in whatever way I can. Thanks for the Inspiration and giving this girl from the hood something to look up to.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

From The Middle Passage to President Obama A Celebration of African American Culture

February is black history month. African American history is holds a lot of pain but also a lot of joy. African Americans came to this country on slave ships. They were kidnapped or sold by their own people to the European slave buyers. The captives had to endure a long ride chained hand to toe in the bowels of the ships. This horrid trip is referred to as the Middle Passage because the second part of the three part passage involved the slave trade and transporting the captives to the new world. Hundreds of Africans were kidnapped and brought to the Americas to work as slaves.

The slaves in the United States were robbed of their African culture so the new slaves created their own culture incoprating small parts of their African hertiage and because they were watched closely by whites African Americans needed a way to communicate with each other so an unique language was formed.

Slaves were forced to work long hours and were often starved and beaten.

The North banned slavery soon after the American revolution but the South was more dependent on slavery then the North.

On that Plantation though several things began to happen the people robbed of all their individual African traits formed their own culture and foods.

Slaves were often given the worst food by bad Masters yet they were able to turn lemons into lemonade. They would cook after working in the fields all day and often times cooking became a social event among slave women.

Most African Americans will tell you about their extended family even though they are not related. This comes from the fact that our ansecestors were bought and sold and often families were split up so Aunts, Grandparents, strangers often raised the children left behind. It is not uncommon for someone to step in and help raise someone I have done that several times myself. I am sure if I need it I will have someone step in.

Slavery was devastating and one causality was marriage. The Masters decided the sex lives of the slaves and they were breeded. Women were raped by any white man who wanted them and that created lots of different colors. African Americans range in color from "light bright and damn near white" to black and everything in between. The custom in America has always been hat one drop of black blood makes you black as a result you now see many colors in one family personally this is one of my favorite things about our culture.

African American music has become the main influence on the majority of American music and has even influenced European music. That also comes from Africa but also slavery. Music was used by the slaves in every area of their lives from work songs and church songs. It was also used as a way to communicate with each other with out whites knowing this. Harriet Tubman often used songs as a way to let people know she was in town. She lead hundreds North and then on to Canada. She went on to serve in the Union army as a scout.

African American history is American history.

Hillarysworld plans to celebrate black history month by celebrating my culture. Slavery was hell but black folk made it through and formed a strong culture.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Holder's Premature Mirandization of Suspect

Holder's Premature Mirandization of Suspect
Why the big hurry to Mirandize someone who decided that he wanted to blow up the USA it was an act of war and since when do we worry about the rights of enemy combattions who only want to hurt this country. We cannot afford to be bleeding heart liberals when it comes to protecting this country.
I know that some liberals perfer to see us attacked then to let some crazy mad man blow up an airplane full of people then receive all rights of an US citizen but this is not a good idea. Just more proof that there is something wrong with the way Liberals see the world.
Note to President Obama you are supposed to protect the American people from harm either do that or step down.
I bet Al-Queda is thrilled by the fact that Obama and Holder mirandized this nut case.

Friday, February 5, 2010

POLITICO: Clinton named Al-Qaeda Yemen as terror group a month ago - Josh Gerstein - Clinton named Al-Qaeda Yemen as terror group a month ago

POLITICO: Clinton named Al-Qaeda Yemen as terror group a month ago - Josh Gerstein - Clinton named Al-Qaeda Yemen as terror group a month ago
Hillary designated the terror group responsible for the failed attack on America on Christmas day 10 days before the attack. Why wasn't anything done? Is Hillary the only person in the Obama administration that knows what she is doing? Someone needs to answer for this.
The Press is just now finding this out. This is outragous. Obama and his administration needs to step up to the plate.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

President Obama backs down from Las Vegas dig - Manu Raju -

President Obama backs down from Las Vegas dig - Manu Raju -
Harry Reid tells Obama to mind his own business about Vegas. First of all how dare a man who has free housing and free food as well as a free car and plane tell Americans how to spend money. Perhaps he should stop taking his children out in public perhaps they are always eating ice cream paid by the American people.
Obama Americans do not like to be lectured by a self important cheater. You never won the Primary you cheated so unless you give up being POTUS you can't pass judgement on others.
Obama no one cares about you think. How about you figure a way to get your poll numbers out of the toliet